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Conservation Commission Minutes - 11/18/2010

     Minutes of Meeting
November 18, 2010

To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  J. Senterman, J. Fournier, C. Botchis, J. Livingstone, R. Willis, M. Allen
           N. Alfieri, Conservation Agent

Absent:  A. Tolland

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the October 28th meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-1; 5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the October 14th meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-1; 5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

Mr. Nick Alfieri’s Agent’s Report has been appended to the minutes.

DelCarte RFP
There was a motion to create an amendment to the RFP for work at the DelCarte site that allows for the removal of this one wall by hand with controls in place and not a turbidity curtain.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Enforcement – 78 Daniels Street – Peters
Mr. Jeff Livingstone, Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing as he is an abutter to the site.

Mr. Ron Peters and Ms. Lynne Peters, homeowners, appeared before the Commission on an Enforcement matter.  Mr. Nick Alfieri, Conservation Agent, informed the Commission that he received an anonymous complaint stating that there was some work being conducted near the wetlands and a drainage ditch that runs through their yard; some pictures were also attached.

Mr. Alfieri issued an Enforcement Order and fine and requested that they appear at tonight’s meeting.  The applicant has an open Order of Conditions on their property.

The applicant requested a copy of the photographs; Mr. Alfieri will send them to her.

Ms. Peters stated that they cleaned up the stream; there are sink holes that are in bad condition.

The Commission will conduct a site visit of the property on Saturday, November 20th at 10 a.m.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Sahlin Circle – Town of Franklin - CE159-
Mr. Ray Willis, Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing.

Mr. William Yadisernia, Town Engineer, appeared before the Commission for a roadway reconstruction project.  Mr. Yadisernia presented a plan for the site depicting the riparian zones of the Charles River, the wetlands and BVW on the site.  

Mr. Yadisernia gave a detailed overview of the plan for the Commission’s review.

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 5 items to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.

The Commission will conduct a site walk with Mr. Yadisernia on Saturday, November 20th at
10:30 a.m.

There was a motion to waive State and Local fees for the Town project.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

There was a motion to continue the hearing until December 2nd.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

Public Hearing – Request for Determination – Franklin High School – 218 Oak Street
Mr. Ray Willis, Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing.

Mr. Nick Alfieri, Conservation Agent, presented the plans for the construction of rain gardens at Franklin High School.  He reviewed the design for the rain gardens and gave a description of how they would work.  They would connect to the drain system at the high school site.

Mr. Alfieri stated that wattles will be used for erosion control purposes.  A project narrative, functions and characteristics statement, construction sequence and an alternatives analysis have been included in the filing.

A Commission member questioned the plan for the rain garden design and how it would function.  Mr. Alfieri gave a detailed review of how the rain garden will function.

The Commission Chairman opened the public hearing for 418 West Central Street.  There was a motion to continue the hearing until the conclusion of the hearing for 218 Oak Street.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

The Commission will walk the site and continue the discussion at the next meeting.  

There was a motion to continue the hearing until the meeting on December 2nd.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 418 West Central St.– Ranieri Properties – CE159-1006  
Mr. Donald Nielsen, Engineer of Guerriere & Halnon, and Ms. Margaret Ranieri, the applicant, both appeared before the Commission for drainage improvements at 418 West Central Street.

Mr. Nielsen presented site plans to the Commission and gave a brief overview of the plans for the site.  There are 2 small rain gardens proposed to be installed in the riparian zone and wetland buffer zone.

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 4 items to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.

The Commission will walk the site on Saturday, November 20th at 11 a.m.

There was a motion to continue the hearing until the next meeting on December 2nd.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 11 Peters Lane – Rosenberg - CE159-1004
Mr. Bruce Wilson, Engineer of G-W Site Solutions, appeared before the Commission for the construction of an addition to single-family house.  Mr. Wilson submitted revised plans depicting a few changes requested by the Commission at the recent site walk.

Mr. Wilson gave the Commission a brief overview of these changes.  

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant that there was no Resource Area Impact Summary sheet submitted, no vernal pool statement and no project narrative submitted.

The Commission Chairman informed the applicant that he would like to have a project narrative submitted.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing until December 2nd.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 26 Beech Street – Williamson - CE159-1005
Mr. Donald Williamson and Ms. Donna Cournoyer, the applicants, Ms. Risa Edelstein and Mr. Carl Brodeur, Landscape Architects, all appeared before the Commission for the construction of a patio, tree planting and site grading.

Ms. Cournoyer gave the Commission members a quick overview of new materials submitted; mitigation plan, revised plans and an updated Notice of Intent plan.

Ms. Edelstein reviewed the highlights and goals of the mitigation plan with regard to the plantings on the site.

Mr. Alfieri informed the Commission members that all of his comments have been addressed by the applicant.

A Commission member had a question regarding the retaining wall and what disturbance it would cause.  It would not disturb the mitigation area.  

Ms. Jeanne Seyfarth of 22 Beech Street, an abutter to the site, had concerns regarding lawn watering and plantings.  Also, questioned who would be the responsible party for monitoring of the project.

The Commission Chairman opened the public hearing for the Revision of Conservation Commission Rules & Regulations.  There was a motion to continue the hearing until the conclusion of the hearing for 26 Beech Street.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Ms. Pat Babcock of 24 Beech Street, an abutter to the site, questioned if the project should be bonded.  The Commission Chairman stated that bonds are not held on residential projects.  The Commission ensured Ms. Babcock that the site will be monitored by Mr. Alfieri to ensure compliance with the Orders of Conditions.

The Commission members discussed some special conditions to be added to the Orders of Conditions:

  • no fertilizers
  • no herbicides or pesticides
  • bounds along left side of lawn
  • watering plan  
  • maintenance plan
  • timeline on mitigation plan
There was a motion to close the public hearing.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Revision of Conservation Commission Rules & Regulations
The Commission Chairman stated that Mr. Alfieri is continuing his work on the changes to the Rules & Regulations and requested that the hearing be continued until the next meeting.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing on the Rules & Regulations until the December 2nd meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.


        Certificate of Compliance:  14 King Philip Road – CE159-995
        Mr. Alfieri stated that the applicant’s engineer was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and     have rescheduled until the next meeting.

        Certificate of Compliance:  790 Washington Street - SE159-899
        Mr. Alfieri presented the original approved plan for review, as-built plan along with a         letter from the engineer denoting 7 differences between the plan and what was built.

        Mr. Alfieri verified these changes at a field visit conducted today.  The Commission    would like the applicant to appear with his engineer at the next meeting to address these       changes.  

There was a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.  
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary